Friday, May 10, 2013

My Joy is an Elephant

My JOY is a dancing elephant.
Bigger than life standing on two feet.
Putting on a show for all those watching.
Smiles are on all who can't help to find the positive vibes
from this Majestic Beast infectious.
People's minds are so focused on what they are seeing
they forget,
this oddity that fills them with so much elation
is really just a
plain grey pachyderm
and something they could easily ignore.
But until that time,
the illusion is kept
as long as can be.
However, like all good things, the dancing ends.
The beast is tired and can't continue to enchant.
Two feet that were once in the air; come down
without a sound.
A proud trunk, which once delighted the crowd with a trumpeting sounds,
goes limp with exhaustion
and hides the mouth panting.
The once exalted animal exits the arena.
Those who once were enthralled
divert their attention
to the new attraction put in place
taking attention from the lumbering animal's slow retreat.
People continued to have a grand time
until they were told last act had performed...
Time had come for the tent to come down.
People don't realize the big animals breaking down
are the same that lifted their spirits up.
That is why
my joy is a dancing elephant.

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