Friday, May 10, 2013

Four in the Morning

I live for
Four in the morning fresh air
air that fills my lungs every time I breathe
breathe in and out so I can stop my sobs that show my despair
despair over the past
past that they said could not last but I swear
swear at the pain I have inside that goes on and on
on until  I rest and shows its ugly face again in a nightmare
nightmare is living in limbo of being given a second chance
chance  to find a way to tell myself and the past me to beware
beware of those that lie and say you are not good
good was a grading that you, in fact, exceeded but your lot in life was unfair
unfair to endure the pain and have to wait and hurt while you pray for the gain
gain of understanding and being surrounded by those who comfort you when you despair
despair that you did not earn but given
given means you can throw it away I swear
swear you will as soon as you can, trust yourself of the future
future will be better and you will still live for
Four in the morning fresh air.

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